Nova Scotia

Provincial Nominee Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is the most populous of the four Atlantic provinces, with about 960,000 people residing in a total area of 55,284 square kilometres. About 40% of its population is concentrated in the Halifax Regional Municipality, in which the provincial capital, Halifax (pop. 130,000) is located.  It is bordered by land with New Brunswick. Nova Scotia is accepting immigrants with the following applications:


Nova Scotia’s universities and colleges have a wide range of programs for students. Applicants can work part-time during their studies and may be eligible for work permits for three years after graduation, depending on their program of studies. They are eligible to apply for permanent residency.


Canadian citizens or permanent residents at least 18 years of age can be eligible to sponsor their spouses, common-law partners, dependent or adopted children younger up to the age of 22, or parents and grandparents to become permanent residents and live and work in Canada.


The Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) offers qualified skilled workers, professionals and managers intending to settle in Nova Scotia the opportunity contribute their education, skills, training and experience to the province and to be nominated by Nova Scotia to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

The NSNP offers the following streams:

1- Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities Stream:Skilled workers targeted by Nova Scotia through the federal Express Entry system to meet crucial labour market needs.

2- Skilled Worker Stream:Experienced foreign workers aged between 21 and 55 with an offer of full-time employment from a Nova Scotia employer with one year of related work experience or at least six months work experience with the Nova Scotia employer offering the job.

3- Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry Stream:Applicants in the federal Express Entry system with a job offer from an eligible Nova Scotia employer with at least one year of work experience (Category A) OR who are in an occupation targeted by the province of Nova Scotia and have at least one year of work experience. (Category B).

4- Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry Stream: Applicants aged between 21 and 55 with at least 1 year of skilled work experience in Nova Scotia.

5- Physician Stream: Qualified physicians with job offers from Nova Scotia health authorities.


The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIP) offers qualified applicants with job offers from employers in the Atlantic provinces who have been unable to find local candidates the opportunity to settle and apply for permanent residency.

The AIP offers three programs:

1- Atlantic High-Skilled Program: Applicants with a full-time job offer from a designated employer in Nova Scotia and at least one year of skilled work experience.

2- Atlantic Intermediate Skilled Program: Applicants with a full-time job offer from and a designated employer in Nova Scotia and at least one year of skilled or semi-skilled work experience.

3- Atlantic International Graduate Program: Applicants who have graduated from at least a two-year diploma program at a publicly-funded university or college in Atlantic Canada and have a full-time job offer from a designated employer in Nova Scotia.


The NSNP offers two streams for entrepreneurs, managers, and business owners and graduates from Nova Scotia post-secondary institutions willing to come to Nova Scotia to invest in the province:

1- Entrepreneur: Qualified investors and entrepreneurs at least 21 years old with a minimum CAN $600,000 net worth intending to invest CAN $150,000 to establish a business in Nova Scotia.

2- International Graduate Entrepreneur: Qualified graduates of post-secondary institutions in Nova Scotia who have owned and operated a business in Nova Scotia for at least one year.