June 1, 2020

Allan Tutanes Alcazar and Annalyn K. Alcazar

Dear Dr. Alemi,

Hi Doc, hope you’re doin fine today doc. We already submitted the requirements needed such as passports and pictures and i already signed visa forms this morning. Doc, i would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you for not giving up on us. Those times that i almost give up, lost and hesitant to continue, and you were there not just an adviser but as a father knows what is best for his son. With your proper guidance from then on i felt the warm and in good hands. i started to listen, continue to do my part. Thank you is not enough, these are all be carried through our journey and for the rest of our lives. all i can say is that we came to the right place I hope that you continue to help more and never stop helping. More power to the company

Respectfully yours,