As I recall the moment that we stepped-out of the room where we were assessed in Davao, with full of hopes and dreams that I could bring my family to Canada, gave me unsurmountable feeling that once just a dream became reality in His own precious time.
On behalf of my family, we would like to thank CPNIS headed byDr. Fereidon Alemi who never gave up on us and whom inspired us of his line that, “I want you to be in Canada” together with his son Mr. Ashkan Alemi who also assisted us throughout this application and to mention to the document officer, Ms. Rowena Elum whose been very supportive and patiently answers all our queries.
Now, I can proudly provide my family with better and comfortable life.We are so grateful for all the opportunities that awaits for us.
Thank you so much CPNIS for being dependable and sharing your quality service that every applicant deserves.
God bless!
Forever grateful,