June 18, 2020

Mon G.

Dear Dr. Alemi,

I would like to express my deep gratitude for all your help and guidance now that I am in Canada. Undoubtedly, I made the right decision to entrust my application to CPNIS. The processing of my papers went smooth and seamless from the time of initial filing to the receipt of our Canadian immigrant visas. And indeed, my application was approved sooner than I expected that I had to act faster to pursue my Canadian dream.

I landed last November 7, 2010 just in time to witness the coloured autumn leaves here in Vancouver. The snowfall the past few days was also a sight to behold for newcomers like me. My family will soon follow since I decided to allow my kids to finish the school year which luckily comes before the expiration of their visas.

Right now, I’m taking one step at a time as I get to know this cool and clean place with so much diversity of culture and people. I’m also attending various programs of certain service organizations that help new immigrants to integrate quickly to the Canadian workforce. Again, thank you so much to you and your professional staff for making this dream a reality.

God bless always!


Mon G.